Jenna DePue

Professionally, I work for a hedge fund/private equity firm in NYC. My position as an associate is an interesting role bridging my skills in finance and technology to create uniform reporting across the house. In addition, I also work as an assistant to a local health and fitness company, organizing and creating promotions and programs for current and potential clients. Personally, I’m an avid runner, art enthusiast and love interior design.

Reason for Joining HVHOH Board

I joined the HVHOH’s Board because I wanted to help those facing domestic violence. One in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. The probability that you know someone who is being or has been effected, whether they’ve disclosed it to you or not, is highly likely. My background in business, coupled with my drive to help others, felt like the perfect mix of ingredients to put towards helping fulfill HVHOH’s primary goal of providing a temporary safe haven to clients.

Why HVHOH Matters to You

HVHOH matters to me because helping people matters to me. Reaching out my hand to help others is something at the forefront of my everyday actions. I think helping others connects people. It provides the opportunity to share experiences. In sharing our stories we find community. While we’re all unique we have similar experiences, and from sharing those journeys hope for better can be found and fostered.

What Hope Means to You

To me, hope means to choose to believe anything is possible, to choose to always try and keep trying, and to choose to keep going even when you fall down.

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